corporate/FOUNDATION supporter Recognition and Levels

FOSER intends to recognize every supporter who contributes financially to our work.  All supporters will receive an annual report that identifies the projects undertaken in the year as well as the financial status of the organization.  We will also acknowledge supporters by name in the report, unless you wish to be anonymous.

  • Supporters who contribute at least $500 will be invited to participate in FOSER activities organized at the time of region tournaments.

  • supporters who contribute at least $1,000 will receive a certificate acknowledging their support for Little League® programs in the region, in addition to being invited to FOSER events.

  • Supporters who contribute at least $2,500 will receive a commemorative FOSER plaque acknowledging their support for Little League programs in the region, in addition to the above benefits.

  • Corporate/Foundation supporters who contribute at least $5,000 will also have the opportunity to have their corporate logo displayed at selected FOSER events, and will have the opportunity to be acknowledged as co-host of one or more of the training and educational seminars funded by FOSER.

  • Corporate/Foundation supporters who contribute at least $5,000 and commit to at least this level of support for three years will have the opportunity to have their corporate logo displayed as a primary supporter of FOSER at all FOSER events, and will be recognized on all FOSER platforms for their support, in addition to the above benefits.

As a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, contributions to FOSER are deductible as charitable contributions to the extent allowed by federal law 

Contributions can be sent to:

c/o Travis Ellis, Treasurer
796 E. Butternut Road
Summerville, SC  29483

Some Key Reasons to Consider Support for FOSER

  • Little League is the world’s largest youth sports activity, operating in almost every local community in the eight states of the Southeastern Region of the United States

  • The nearly 800 local Little Leagues in the Southeast are run entirely by dedicated volunteers from the community, without whom the programs would not be possible

  • Supporting FOSER supports these local volunteers and local leagues and improves their ability to provide quality baseball and softball experiences for local boys and girls

  • Over the past 75 years, Little League has become an integral part of local communities, involving generations of families

  • While Little League operates throughout the US and on six continents, support for FOSER is focused exclusively on the volunteers in the eight states of the southeastern United States

  • Corporate/Foundation support for FOSER associates your organization with these local Little Leagues throughout the southeast and especially with the volunteers who are drawn from all part of local communities