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Everything that FOSER does is in support of the Southeast Region of Little League Baseball and Softball. This support includes all leagues within the Southeast Region, Districts of the Southeast Region and the Southeast Region Office/Facilities. All of the support is geared towards one of our Five Pillars - Recognition, Education, Participation, Technology and Support.


There are so many people that need to be recognized in the Southeast Region of Little League. FOSER manages a State Award program where volunteers from each state in the Southeast Region are recognized. Additionally, FOSER partners with the Southeast Region office to support the Little League Southeast Region Awards.


Districts and Leagues are run by volunteers and there is a lot to know. FOSER provides training for the volunteers of the Southeast Region through educational materials, seminars and enhancing SE Region seminars with local experts. Additionally, we have partnered with other organizations to bring basic baseball/softball training and safety training.



Little League offers a variety of programs that support the participation of all children. FOSER supports these programs through support of special programs such as Challenger and Urban Initiative within the Southeast Region.



FOSER lends support to the Southeast Region Headquarters in order to maintain the highest standards of advancement and organization across the districts of the Southeast Region.



FOSER provides support to the Southeast Region Headquarters with operational and facility needs that are outside of the Little League budget.